Kanata Youth Basketball Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

House League Sort Out Schedules - 2024

2024-25 House League Sort Out Schedules

Sort Outs provide our convenors and coaches the opportunity to assess a player's level of play and skill development, in order to help us to form balanced teams.  The key to a great league that provides players the development they need and environment that to develop their confidence on the court and have fun is in having close competition in games.  Ensuring our teams within a division are balanced is therefore instrumental in this, so we do ask all players to please attend their division sort outs.

Following sort outs our team of volunteers will work to form balanced teams and communicate team schedule details to players. Please ensure your family is opted in to receive emails from KYBA and has KYBA marked as a safe sender, to ensure you receive these important email messages!

Sort outs will run on the weekends: Sept 21-22, Sept 28-29 and Oct 5-6.  See schedules below and watch for emails from your VP/Division Convenor so you now when to attend sort outs!

Players will begin regular practices following team formation (week of October 7 or 14), and will also have the opportunity to play in some weekend exhibition games on October 21/22 and 28/29.  These games provide another tool in assessing team balancing, before official league games begin. 
Exhibition games also provide an opportunity for players and coaches to get to know each other and get in some in-game practice and learning before the official league begins on November 2-3.  KYBA provides scorekeepers and officials for all of our house league games, so parents can watch and enjoy the games!  Exhibition games are used to run scorekeeper and floor officials training so players, coaches and families are all reminded - exhibition games are just practice, fun, games where everyone is learning:)

*There can be some player movement between teams during the month of October, if needed, to improve team balancing.* 
*KYBA reserves the right to move players between teams following the first official game of the league in order to improve team balancing; a player may not refuse any trades between teams.* 

Note that our Novice and Atom Girls do play in an interlock league with other associations.  Game schedules for these divisions are not done by KYBA.  KYBA will still provide these divisions the same sort out and exhibition game opportunities before their official game schedules begin.

When are regular weekly games?

  • ​Novice Boys will play games on Saturday afternoons between 1:30pm and 6pm
  • Atom and Midget Boys will play games on Saturdays between 8am and 6pm
  • Bantam Boys will play games on Sundays between 8am and 6pm
  • Young Mens games will be on Saturday evenings between 6pm and 9pm
Our game hosting plan for Girls house league in 2024-25 is as follows:
  • Novice and Atom Girls will play in WEBL, with games on Saturdays (schedules to be defined by WEBL)
  • Bantam and High School Girls divisions will be hosted by KYBA, with games on Sundays between 8:30am and 3pm

To find your gym address, use: 

KYBA Gym Map

Please be reminded to review our facility code of conduct before heading back to the gyms!
KYBA Facility Code of Conduct

Players should attend sort outs wearing athletic clothing, indoor basketball shoes and bring a water bottle please.  Note: NO jewellery is permitted for sort outs, practices or games. NO outdoor footwear permitted in any gyms - that includes parents as well who may be watching!!  We thank you for your support:)

Novice Girls
Date Gym Time
Sat Sept 21 WO Mitchell 10:30am to 12:00pm
Sat Sept 28 WO Mitchell 9:00am to 10:30am

*TBD if session needed on Sat Oct 5
*Access via side door off parking lot

Novice Boys
Date Time Gym Group
Sat Sept 21 1:30pm to 3:00pm Jack Donohue Last Name Abdel Ahad - Crepeault
Sat Sept 21 3:30pm to 5:00pm Jack Donohue Last Name De Castro - Leonard
Sat Sept 28 1:30pm to 3:00pm Jack Donohue Last Name Li - Ryan
Sat Sept 28 3:30pm to 5:00pm Jack Donohue Last Name Salman - Zhang

*Access via Main front entrance

Atom Girls
Date Gym Time
Sat Sept 21 WO Mitchell 9:00am to 10:30am
Sat Sept 28 WO Mitchell 10:30am to 12:00pm

* Access via side door off parking lot

Atom Boys
Date Gym Time Group
Sat Sept 28 Kanata Highlands 8:30am to 10:00am A-F
Sat Sept 28 Kanata Highlands 10:15am to 11:45am G-K
Sat Sept 28 Kanata Highlands 12:30pm to 2:00pm L-P
Sat Sept 28 Kanata Highlands 2:15pm to 3:45pm R-Z


Bantam Girls
Date Gym Time
Sun Sept 29 Paul Desmerais 9:00am to 11:00am
Sun Oct 6 Paul Desmerais 11:00am to 1:00pm

* Access via side door off parking lot

Bantam Boys

For 2012 birth year - September 22nd - Kanata Highlands
Time Group
8:30am - 9:50am Last Names A to Da
10:00am -11:20am Last Names De to H
11:30am - 12:50pm Last Names J to Lo
1:00pm - 2:20pm Last Names M to Te
2:30pm to 3:50pm Last Names Th to Z

*Access via Gym Stage Door.  Leave outdoor footwear and bags in Stage Area.  NO access via main entrance.

2011 birth year - September 29th - Kanata Highlands
Time Group
8:30am - 9:50am Last Names A to Ch
10:00am -11:20am Last Names Cl to E
11:30am - 12:50pm Last Names F to J
1:00pm - 2:20pm Last Names K to R
2:30pm to 3:50pm Last Names S to Z

*Access via Gym Stage Door.  Leave outdoor footwear and bags in Stage Area.  NO access via main entrance.

High School Girls (Midget and Jr Girls)
Date Gym Time
Sun Sept 29 Paul Desmerais 11:00am to 1:00pm
Sun Oct 6 Paul Desmerais 9:00am to 11:00am

* access via side door off parking lot

Midget Boys
Date Group Gym Start Time
Sat Sept 21 - Group 1 Last Names Acres to Chen Earl of March Main Balony Gym 8:30am 
Sat Sept 21 - Group 2 Last Names Cheng to Feldman Earl of March Main Balony Gym 9:40am
Sat Sept 21 - Group 3 Last Names Gareau to Khan Earl of March Main Balony Gym 10:50am
Sat Sept 21 - Group 4 Last Names Khanotia to Misca Earl of March Main Balony Gym 12:00pm
Sat Sept 21 - Group 5 Last Names Milner to Rai Earl of March Main Balony Gym 1:10pm
Sat Sept 21 - Group 6 Last Names Robinson to Tian Earl of March Main Balony Gym 2:20pm
Sat Sept 21 - Group 7 Last Names Tilbury to Zhong Earl of March Main Balony Gym 3:30pm
Sat Sept 21 - Group 8 Last Names Zhou to Zriba* Earl of March Main Balony Gym 4:30pm
* Any players who register on or after Sept 16, please go to Group 8

NOTE: Any players that are not available for their schedules sort out time, please plan to arrive at
4:20pm to check in and join Group 8

The following is our sort out game schedule for Sat, Oct 5 at Earl of March Main Gym.
Please make every effort to come to your designated time. If you have registered after Sunday Sept 30 come to Game 8 at 4:30 pm .

We now need more coaches. Please contact us if you know someone or could volunteer the time yourself.
Steve Shanahan Midget Boys HL Convenor

Game 1 8:20 Armstrong to Dabaghian
Game 2 9:30 Dang to Hemlow
Game 3 10:40 Himbaza to Li ( all Li's)
Game 4 11:50 Lim to Muirhead
Game 5 1:00 Mylvaganam to Rugema-Gibson
Game 6 2:10 Rukundo to Tine
Game 7 3:20 Tripard to Zhou
Game 8 4:30 Zriba to ( All A's up to and including Anujejan) + anyone who could not come at another time.

Exhibition games will run on Oct 21 and 28, following initial team formation to test team balancing and get players some practice game time.

*Access via Doors A or B at Main Parking lot.

Young Men

Sort-outs will run in the format of open-gym/pick up basketball from 7pm to 9pm on Sat, Sept 21st at Richcraft Rec Centre.  

Unable to attend your scheduled sort out?  Contact your convenor:
Novice Boys
Atom Boys
Bantam Boys
Midget Boys *follow schedule above if your assigned group doesn't work for you
Young Men
House League Girls VP
House League Boys VP

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