Summer Skills
Indoor Leagues
Outdoor League
KYBA is excited to once again offer a lineup of Skills and League options this Summer! However, in order to do so - WE NEED YOUR HELP!! We are looking to fill a number of roles in order to run all of our Summer programs. As many hands make for light work, we hope to welcome a team of volunteers to help get each program up and running.
We are looking for:
- convenors,
- coaches/monitors for sort outs and games,
- Teamsnap manager (to post team schedules and keep teams updated on needed details),
- jersey distribution lead/helpers,
- gym hosting set-up volunteers and score/standings tracking volunteers.
If you have an athlete interested in any programs, consider offering a few hours of your time to help us run the program! Please contact our Administrator with any questions or to volunteer!
Please do not send emails inquiring about schedules. As additional Summer Program details such as schedules are finalized we will continue to update the program details below.
Please see the below for all details, schedules and registration links!
Skills programming registration is by birth year eligibility. If you are a player looking to improve, work on your skills and further your development going into the next season, there is a Skills program to help you reach your goals, whether you are a House / Selects / ONL / ONLX player!
*Players should sign in to their Teamsnap accounts to see assigned Summer team rosters/details/schedules etc. Each skill session and camp will be shown as a team.*
Summer Skills Registration Form
ONL Skills
5 x1.5hr sessions
A list of certified guest coaches will be brought in to lead our ONL Skills sessions, providing focussed and high-level training to athletes looking to further develop specific skills in the off-season!
Session eligibility by birth year
Registration Fee $75
Novice Boys (born 2015 or 2016)
Saturdays July 6, 13, 20, 27 - 8:30-10:00am, Richcraft
4 sessions / $60 registration fee
Novice/Atom Girls (born 2013 to 2016)
Friday June 28 - 6-7:30pm, CardelRec
Saturdays July 6, 13, 20, 27 - 10:00-11:30am, Richcraft
Atom Boys (born 2013 or 2014)
Mondays July 8, 15, 22, 29 and August 12 - 4:30-6:00pm, Earl of March 7/8 Gym
Bantam Boys (born 2011 or 2012)
Tuesdays July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 - 4:30-6:00pm, Earl of March 7/8 Gym
Midget Boys (born 2009 - 2010)
Thursdays July 4, 11, 18, 25 and August 1 - 4:30-6:00pm, Earl of March 7/8 Gym
Bantam/Midget Girls (born 2009 - 2012)
Friday June 28 - 7:30-9:00pm, CardelRec
Saturdays July 6, 13, 20, 27 -11:30am-1:00pm, Richcraft
Summer Skills Registration Form
ONLX Skills
All Programs for: Birth Years 2006-2010.
ONLX Boys Skills are offered by our ONLX Coaching Staff. ONLX Girls Skills will bring in additional guest coaches.
Sessions are 1.5hrs each.
This set of sessions is designed to improve player IQ by focusing on various aspects of the game, including decision-making, situational awareness, and game strategy. Players will engage in drills and activities that challenge their basketball knowledge and encourage them to think critically on the court. Through video analysis, game simulations, and real-time feedback from coaches, players will develop a deeper understanding of the game and learn how to make smart, effective decisions in high-pressure situations.
10 sessions (1.5hrs each) -Jr and Sr
Registration Fee $120
This set of skills sessions is designed to not only improve players' technical abilities on the court but also enhance their physical fitness and conditioning. Players will engage in a combination of skill-specific drills and conditioning workouts to develop a well-rounded skill set and improve their overall athleticism. Sessions will focus on increasing players' speed, agility, endurance, and strength, while improving their fundamental skill sets.
8 sessions (1.5hrs each) (some sessions will be Jr only or Sr only and some will be combined)
Registration Fee $80
Boys Dual Program Track: Grind and IQ
Registration Fee $150
ONLX Girls Skills
10 sessions (1.5hrs each) - Jr and Sr
Registration Fee $150
Summer Skills Registration Form
*********************Registration for Leagues NOW OPEN!!!*************************
Summer Indoor Leagues
Summer Indoor Leagues Registration Form
*Registration now closed for all Summer Indoor Leagues*
ONL Summer League
All games - no practices
All teams guaranteed 6 regular season and 2 playoff games
Games to be played at Richcraft or Cardel
Shirt provided
KYBA Jr Officials and Scorekeeping provided
Players will be rostered to Teamsnap teams
Session eligibility by birth year
Atom Boys (born 2013 or 2014) ; Registration Fee $150
Regular season games: Sundays July 7, 14, 21, 28, August 11 and Friday, August 16
Playoffs August 18 / Finals August 25
Players should refer to their TeamSnap schedule for specific game times.
>>> Atom Boys Summer Indoor League is FULL
Bantam Boys (born 2011 or 2012) ; Registration Fee $150
Regular season games: Fridays July 5, 12, 19, 26, August 2 and 9
Playoffs August 16 / Finals August 23
All games at Cardel Recreation Complex
Players should refer to their TeamSnap schedule for specific game times
>>> Bantam Boys Summer Indoor League is FULL
Midget+ Boys (born 2006 - 2010) ; Registration Fee $185
Pre-season kick-off tournament: Friday, July 5
Regular season games: Saturdays July 6, 13, 20, 27, August 3 and 10
Playoffs August 17 / Finals August 24
All games at Richcraft Recreation Complex
NOTE: This league welcomes players of all levels and balanced teams will be formed. For competitive, elite-level players born in 2006 to 2010, looking for highly competitive intense games, you will want to look for the ONL-X League option instead.
Summer Indoor Leagues Registration Form
ONLX Summer League
All games - no practices
All teams guaranteed 6 regular season and 2 playoff games
Games to be played at Richcraft, Algonquin College, uOttawa
Evening and Weekend Games
Detailed Schedules Available once teams are formed
Shirt provided
ONL-X and KYBA Sr Officials
Scorekeeping provided
Stats tracking
All Star Game
Registration Fee $185
Players born 2006 to 2010 will register to ONL-X Leagues.
Sort outs will be held to form balanced teams within 3 ONL-X Leagues, with players rostered to Teamsnap teams:
Summer Indoor Leagues Registration Form
*Registration now closed for all Summer Indoor Leagues*
Summer Outdoor League
Outdoor League Registration Form
Grown out of the pandemic, KYBA's outdoor league has become a mainstay of the Summer season!
Join us for ALL fun at the outdoor courts on Wednesday evenings!
Two divisions
4 teams per division
Open to birth years 2009-2014
All playing experience welcome, but this league is purely for fun. No practices.
Weekly games to be held at Ed Hollyer Park (Village Green) and Stonegate Park (Katimavik).
Wednesdays, July 17 to Sept 4 (8 weeks)
Tip-offs at 5:15pm and 6:30pm
$60 registration fee
Balanced teams will be formed based on player history. Team and schedule details to be shared with registrants prior to the league's first games.
NOTE: Summer program schedules subject to change based on facility cancellations and registration numbers.